News News News at Contact Theatre

News News News
Contact Theatre
5th March 2022

Prices from £5.00 to £15.00

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A television with the words news news news displayed on it

This is the news. This is what’s happening. We have our eyes on the city and our fingers on the pulse.

In frightening times we are here to reassure you, through the good news and the bad, a friendly face at the end of the day, a voice in which you can trust. Coming live and uninterrupted from the theatre to an audience of potentially billions.

News News News is a television news show made by children for adults, recorded in front of a studio audience and broadcast live on the internet. Working with artists Andy Field and Beckie Darlington, children will present bulletins from the city, offering a distinctive look at what’s going on right here and right now.

At a time when there is more news than there has ever been and yet our trust in journalists is at an all-time low, what is the purpose of news and how does it shape the way we see the world around us? And how might children teach us to look again at the places we live and the stories that we tell about them.

For just £10, you can get 12 months of priority booking, exclusive offers and juicy deals. Book tickets to shows like Everything All of the Time and News News News entirely for free. AND, there’s an added bonus of 25% off other shows such as First Time, Pink Lemonade and Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster for the next year!

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